


作者:凡爵国际 编辑:进口报关代理公司 浏览次数:发布日期:2024-08-18 21:46:50 

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby authorize our company to engage the services of your esteemed agency for the import and

export process of our goods. We understand that as an authorized customs broker, you are

authorized by the government to handle all aspects of import and export procedures on

our behalf.


We hereby submit this Power of Attorney (POA) to authorize your agency to act on our

behalf in the following matters:

1. Clearance of goods from the port of origin to the port of destination, including all necessary documentation such as invoices, packing lists, and certificates of origin.

2. Payment of duties and taxes on imported goods, including any applicable tariffs or quotas.

3. Processing of all necessary paperwork, including but not limited to declarations of goods, shipping documents, and customs clearance forms.

4. Communication with customs officials and other government agencies regarding the import and export process.

5. Any other tasks related to the import and export process that may be required by law or regulation.

We understand that as an authorized customs broker, you are responsible for ensuring that all

import and export activities are conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and


regulations. We also understand that we are solely responsible for any errors or omissions made

by your agency during the import and export process.

In consideration of your services, we agree to pay you a fee based on the value of the goods being

imported or exported, as well as any additional expenses incurred by your agency. We will

provide you with detailed instructions regarding the goods being imported or exported and

any other relevant information that may be required by you or your agency.

We hereby grant this POA in its entirety and reserve all rights to revoke it at any time if we

determine that your agency has not acted in good faith or has violated any applicable laws or


Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to working with your agency in

the future.


[Your Name]




http://bjzfgs.com/baoguanchangshi/11358.html,以上就是代理报关委托书英文版(代理报关委托书编号怎么填)的解读,只要通过预约方式联系我们的顾问客服根据不同进口产品, 即可获得国际货运方案和进口报关代理报价单,手续费低,省钱,省心。工作人员看到您的信息会第一时间与您联系,文章图文源于网络和投稿、即编辑排版,传递更多知识,如涉及版权,请及时联系我们会尽快处理。如果您还有其他疑问,欢迎致电400-0031-521.